Interagency Academy

High School

Interagency Academy Recruiter Rules

Interagency Academy Recruiter Rules

These rules apply to all recruiters (employment, education, service opportunities, military, or military alternatives) who wish to recruit at Interagency Academy. These rules shall be posted in the main office, on the school’s website, and at each school site.

All Recruiters must receive written permission to recruit on campus. Recruiters can contact our Principal, at 206-252-­6825 to receive permission. Such permission may be granted for the full year.

  1. Recruiters of all types will be allowed on campus a maximum of 1 time per month.
  2. Approved recruiters must make appointments for the specific times they wish to recruit on campus. 
  3. All recruiters must sign in and out each time they come onto campus.
  4. A monthly “recruiting calendar” will be kept, listing the upcoming recruiter visits. Such lists will be posted in the main office, at each school site, and on the school’s website.
  5. All recruiters must clearly identify the organization that they are recruiting for. Military Recruiters must be in uniform.
  6. Recruiters may set up in the hall.

Recruiters who setup outside of their designated area will be asked to leave campus, unless prior permission has been granted to setup in a different location.

  1. Recruiters who wish to leave information for students may leave the information on the “Recruiter Table” I n the hall. Information must be dated, and must include a contact name and phone number that students, parents, or staff can call with questions about the information. The Recruiter Table must be clearly marked with a sign saying “Information distributed at this table has not been evaluated or endorsed by Interagency Academy o r by Seattle Public Schools.
  2. No recruiting may occur in classrooms during any time when a class is in session.
  3. Recruiters may not make private appointments to meet with students on campus, and may not make appointments to meet with students off campus during a time when a student is scheduled to be in class.

Recruiters who interfere with thetraditional activities of the school day, harassstudents or staff, provide misleading or untrue information, or do not comply withthese rules, or other school and District rules may have their organization’spermission to recruit on campus revoked for the remainder of the current semester.

The recruiting calendar and sign in sheets will be forwarded to the Office of theSuperintendent no later than July15 of every school year.It is the intention of Seattle Public Schools that all recruiters comply withSchoolBoard Policy C 03.00, which states:

“It is the policy of the Seattle School Board To prohibit harassment,intimidation, and bullying. This includes, but is not limited to,harassment, intimidation, and bullying based upon race, color,religion,ancestry, national origin, economic status, gender, sexualorientation, gender identity, pregnancy, marital status, physicalappearance, or mental, physical, or sensory disability. ThisProhibition shall apply to all District employees, volunteers,parents/guardians, and students, including conduct betweenstudents, between adults, and between adults and students.”

These Rules were created pursuant to School Board Procedure F 08.02.