Parent Involvement
Parent Involvement
This parent policy is available in the Columbia Center Main Office. To give input on this parent involvement plan, please call the school at 206-252-6816 or Email.
Interagency Academy is committed to the goal of providing quality education for every student in this district. To this end, we want to establish partnerships with parents and with the community. Everyone benefits when Interagency Academy staff and home work together to promote high achievement by our students.
Interagency recognizes that the assistance provided through the Title I program increases our ability to enhance the educational experience of our students, and to create strong family and community partnerships. Interagency works to include families in all aspects of the school’s Title I program.
Interagency, in conjunction with families, develops and revises the school parental involvement policy/procedures and distributes it to our families each year. In addition, parents and the community have access to the document in the main office of Interagency and on the school website, along with the CSIP (school improvement plan).
Students new to Interagency attend a week-long Orientation. Parents/guardians and other family members are encouraged to attend the first session to learn about Title 1 services and other school programs. Parents and guardians are invited to complete a family questionnaire and to provide additional information about their student’s strengths and needs. Parent input is a primary consideration in placement for the student.
Families of Interagency students are also invited to an annual meeting, at a convenient time, where they are informed of Interagency’s participation in Title I. They are apprised of Interagency’s Title I plan and informed of their role as involved partners in their child’s education. This school year, we provide this information to new families at weekly Orientation sessions. For additional meetings and events, notice will be posted on the school website at, and student advisors telephone families.
Progress reports are sent home mid quarter and quarterly. Grades are available online via The Source. Interagency hosts a beginning and mid-year open house for new and incoming families. Student led parent/family conferences are scheduled in November. Senior family meetings and college information fairs are scheduled for all seniors during spring semester.
Interagency Academy holds twice monthly Building Leadership Team/Instructional Council meetings in addition to weekly department meetings, and weekly staff meetings. Students meet with Advisors each day throughout the school year.
Teachers and the principal at Interagency are available by phone, email, and in person to parents on request.
This parent policy is available in the Columbia Center main office. To give input on this parent involvement plan, please contact the school at 206-743-3930 .