Open Doors GED To College Program
What is Open Doors/1418 @ Interagency?
- Students come to IA to earn their GED.
- Once students have completed their GED, they become eligible for a scholarship to any of the Seattle Colleges (good until students earn their A.A. or turn 21).
- Students have access to all programs and services Interagency provides.
Open Doors Classrooms
We have two classroom options!
- Orion Site – located at Youthcare’s Orion Center – Find us on Facebook @OrionGEDClass

2. Columbia City Site – located at IA Center –

Students may choose to attend either site. Both Open Doors sites offer one on one teacher help, case management and all Interagency perks!
Youth Care’s Orion Center is a center for homeless or unstably housed youth that provides a variety of services to students including: emergency nightly shelter, food, showers and washing machines, hygiene items, dshs connection, employment training and assistance, education (GED), housing navigation and placement, and mental health counselling.
More than a GED!!

Seattle Colleges:
- North
- South
- Central
- Georgetown
NW Education Access

Students work with education advocates from NEA to help them from college enrollment to completion.
What does Interagency offer students?
- Educational support
- Teen Health Center (medical and mental health services)
- Case Management Services
- Job Training Programs
- ORCA cards
- Drug and Alcohol services
- Resource room for students and young parents
We also have many more community partners we work with to support students!
Interagency Job Training Programs
Construction Pre-Apprenticeship
Provides students exposure to a variety of jobs in the building trades and supports them in determining if a job in the trades is right for them.
***Students earn OSHA 10 Safety and Forklift Certifications
**Students are required to attend in person and adhere to strict industry safety standards as well as SPS Covid Safety protocols.

YouthGrow Garden
Students learn: organic and sustainable agriculture, urban farming, Food Justice, Soil science and job skills.

Trainees learn bike mechanics, riding and leadership training.

Sawhorse Revolution
Our goal is to foster confident, community-oriented youth through the power of carpentry and craft. Students learn carpentry skills by helping to build tiny houses and other projects.

Cafe and Customer Service
Trains students to get and keep jobs in the cafe and customer service industries. Students learn cash handling, food safety, resume writing, professionalism and teamwork.

Interested in joining Interagency Open Doors?
Contact Debbi Thiessen
or contact main office at 206-743-3930 for enrollment information