Interagency Academy

High School

Staff Directory

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Leung, Y. David

Leung, Y. David

Computer Support Specialist

Levy, Jessica

Project Coordinator
Michelle Manion

Manion, Michelle

Student & Family Advocate
Kathryn Mayeda

Mayeda, Kathryn

Special Education Teacher

Kathy Mayeda started teaching resource room classes in 1999, the year her oldest child was a senior in high school and her youngest child was in first grade. She has been at Cleveland STEM High School since the 2012-2013 school year. She lives in West Seattle with her husband and their cat and enjoys hiking and cooking great big family dinners on Sunday afternoons.

McCann, Michael

UDYC Math Teacher

I am a math teacher who has been working with Interagency Academy since early 2000. I hold a BA in English from the University of Georgia, a Masters in Teaching from Seattle Pacific University, and am a National Board Certificated teacher in AYA Math, endorsed in English, Mathematics and Physical Education. Along with teaching I love playing outdoors in the PNW with my wife and kids.

McGhee, Brenda

Student & Family Advocate, Graduation Reality and Dual-Role Skills (GRADS)
Ronnue McThomas

McThomas, Ronnue

Southwest CEA

Hello, my name is Ronnue McThomas. I call myself a half Seattle & half Atlanta native because I have spent my life between both. I have been employed with SPS for six years at Mercer Middle joining Interagency November 22, 2021. Some of my passions include working with the youth and helping them reach their full potential. I love seeing where they start out and where they end. I also love creating my art through music and videos and sharing them with the world. I believe that life is like a card game, sometimes you are dealt a good hand sometimes you are dealt a bad hand but whatever hand you dealt you gotta play your best!

Meraki, Vanessa

Teacher-Special Education-XG
Newman, Micaela

Newman, Micaela

YEP Math Teacher and Art Coordinator

Hello! I am Micaela and I am the math teacher and art coordinator at YEP - Interagency. As well my teaching role, I also serve as the math department head for Interagency as a whole. I strive to advocate for my students, provide opportunities for their mathematical identities to flourish, create connection and provide access and learning to engage and empower my students with the math skills and tools needed to support their goals.

I've been teaching here since 2014. Before moving to Seattle, I had the privilege to work and study across the country and the world! Some highlights include working at the Naval Academy Prep school in Rhode Island and tutoring in Seoul, South Korea. I went to college in Atlanta, Georgia (Georgia Tech), and Bozeman, Montana (Montana State) and did my master's program through Southern New Hampshire University.

Olson, Kevin

ELA Teacher

Pham, Xuan

Puopolo, Lex

Puopolo, Lex

School Social Worker

Lex works half-time at Jane Addams Middle School and half-time at Nathan Hale High School.

Sara Quan

Quan, Sara

Online / Special Education Teacher

Rollolazo, Jowell

Student Assgmt Facilitator-260
Rubio, Juan

Rubio, Juan

SW Campus Teacher-Special Education

Sanchez, Brandon

Student & Family Advocate
Scally, Yasmina

Scally, Yasmina


Sellers, Delmario

Security Specialist

Smith, Joyce

ELA Teacher